TLWI Golang #64

Welcome back to our weekly newsletter, folks! This week, we have some exciting articles and news to share with you. Whether you're a seasoned developer or a coding newbie, we guarantee you'll find something interesting in this issue. So, let's dive right into it!

First up, we have an important proposal from one of Go's creators, Rob Pike. If you're a Go developer, this proposal could impact your workflow. The proposal suggests that the upcoming 1.18 edition of Go should not change the libraries. Pike argues that this will provide stability for developers who rely on these libraries in their work. This issue has sparked some discussion and debate so be sure to check it out.

Next, we have a fascinating tutorial on how to print right alphabetic triangles in both Golang and Javascript here. This tutorial will walk you through the process of creating beautiful alphabetic triangles using your coding skills. Before you know it, you'll be printing perfectly-shaped triangles with ease.

In this week's news section, we have an intriguing article on memory management in Go here. The piece discusses the memory footprint of dynamic structures in Go, offering insights into the Go compiler and how it manages memory. If you're interested in memory-focused optimization of your Go programs, this article is a must-read.

Lastly, we have a thought-provoking article on linker optimization in Go here. The author asks, "Hey linker, can you spare a meg?" and explores the ways that the linker optimization process can improve the performance of your Go code. Whether you're a Go expert or simply curious about optimization, this article is worth a read.

That's it for this week's newsletter! We hope you enjoyed our selection of articles, tutorials, and news pieces. Be sure to check back next week for more exciting content. Until then, happy coding!


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Gopher Gold is a weekly roundup for all things Go! If you have more suggestions for resources, submit them below! Follow me on Twitter for more projects @dennisokeeffe92.

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Built by Dennis O'Keeffe, 2024